Video, Writing

Living a Creative Life – the good, the bad, and the ugly

What is it it like to live a creative life or do a creative job? How do you live a creative life? Sharing my honest experiences as a full-time author, I look at the good and bad parts of making your living creatively. So if you are interested in what it's like to live a… Continue reading Living a Creative Life – the good, the bad, and the ugly


My Super Secret Book is finished!

I took this photo because I wanted to document that I finished editing and reading through my super secret book today. I’m posing with my kindle closed so I don’t accidentally reveal the title to you all This book will out in September and I can’t wait to tell you guys about it. I’m so… Continue reading My Super Secret Book is finished!

Video, Writing


I've decided to start new monthly series on my YouTube channel - days in my life as a writer / full-time author, and I just posted the first one. So this series will be a behind-the-scenes look at writing my bestselling women's fiction series Glendale Hall, and all the news about my new book very… Continue reading DAYS IN THE LIFE OF A WRITER// Vlog 1


This week on YouTube… my autumn morning routine

I love watching routine videos on Youtube so I decided to make one to show you what I like to do on an autumn morning. This is a working-from-home day so hopefully it gives you an insight into how I get ready for a day's writing at this time of year, and I hope it… Continue reading This week on YouTube… my autumn morning routine