
The Love Interest coming 02/24

THE LOVE INTEREST 02/24đź’—đź’—đź’— I’m so excited to announce I’ve signed a book deal with Boldwood books to publish four fun, sexy rom coms all with a bookish theme. The first will be an enemies-to-lovers rom com with a sprinkle of spice called The Love Interest, and it will be published in February. I can’t… Continue reading The Love Interest coming 02/24


Writing in a new genre

Today I’m guest posting on author Heidi Swain’s blog! She kindly invited me to talk about writing in a new genre for my cosy crime Murder at the House on the Hill so if you’d like to hear all about how the book came to be published, head over to her blog here: http://heidiswain.blogspot.com/2021/10/welcoming-victoria-walters-to-blog.html?m=1 I… Continue reading Writing in a new genre


Monthly Writer Series: Plotting, Planning & People!

Hi Everyone! I just uploaded a new youTube video, which is part of my monthly writer series showing you behind the scenes / days in the life of being a full time writer! Sharing all the news about my books Glendale Hall and Dedley End and answering your writing and publishing questions about plotting and… Continue reading Monthly Writer Series: Plotting, Planning & People!



Sharing another a day in the life of a full-time author video with you guys today - part of my monthly series showing you behind the scenes of writing my books! This month has been super exciting with loads going on including a paperback release, cover reveal, finish a book and exiting new deals so… Continue reading A VERY EXCITING MONTH…

Video, Writing

HOW TO WRITE A BOOK // ten tips from a published author!

How to write a book! If you've ever wanted to write a novel or you have a dream to be a published author then I hope you enjoy these ten tips on how to start writing your book and more importantly, how to make sure you finish writing it, and how you can get it… Continue reading HOW TO WRITE A BOOK // ten tips from a published author!

News, Video, Writing

A Sneak Peek at my Super Secret new book!!

This is my second monthly days in the life of a writer vlog series over on YouTube. In this series, I share writing tips and tricks, behind-the-scenes of writing books, share my latest books news, talk about my editing process, and this month, I'm sharing a super sneak peek of my secret book that's being… Continue reading A Sneak Peek at my Super Secret new book!!

Video, Writing

Living a Creative Life – the good, the bad, and the ugly

What is it it like to live a creative life or do a creative job? How do you live a creative life? Sharing my honest experiences as a full-time author, I look at the good and bad parts of making your living creatively. So if you are interested in what it's like to live a… Continue reading Living a Creative Life – the good, the bad, and the ugly


My Super Secret Book is finished!

I took this photo because I wanted to document that I finished editing and reading through my super secret book today. I’m posing with my kindle closed so I don’t accidentally reveal the title to you all This book will out in September and I can’t wait to tell you guys about it. I’m so… Continue reading My Super Secret Book is finished!

Video, Writing


I've decided to start new monthly series on my YouTube channel - days in my life as a writer / full-time author, and I just posted the first one. So this series will be a behind-the-scenes look at writing my bestselling women's fiction series Glendale Hall, and all the news about my new book very… Continue reading DAYS IN THE LIFE OF A WRITER// Vlog 1