Always and Forever at Glendale Hall, cover reveal

Days in the life of a writer vlog 3: GLENDALE HALL book four!

Happy Easter everyone! Today I'm sharing part three of my monthly series about being a full-time author, behind-the-scenes of writing my books, tips and advice for writers, exclusive news for readers, and everything you want to know about publishing! In this chatty video, I will be revealing the title and cover for Glendale Hall book… Continue reading Days in the life of a writer vlog 3: GLENDALE HALL book four!

Video, Writing

Living a Creative Life – the good, the bad, and the ugly

What is it it like to live a creative life or do a creative job? How do you live a creative life? Sharing my honest experiences as a full-time author, I look at the good and bad parts of making your living creatively. So if you are interested in what it's like to live a… Continue reading Living a Creative Life – the good, the bad, and the ugly